About Us
BookJr cares about your child's reading and learning. We believe that the foundation for all learning is reading. We also believe that to build a future generation we need to invest in our children. Not just through buying books, but spending the time to read with them. If we truly believe that children should be reading, then we need to show them by reading to them. This time spent reading shows them how important you think it is to read, and teaches them to love reading.
At BookJr, we realize that everyone has busy schedules, so we introduced the Storyteller program. This program has two purposes; one, to set aside time each month to read to the local book club children and get the children excited to read; two, to provide parents/grandparents a way to participate in the program and reward them for their time and efforts. Many of them volunteer tremendous amounts of time because this is such a worthy cause. We genuinely care about the children and want the best for them.
Please join us in making this hope a reality.
At BookJr, we realize that everyone has busy schedules, so we introduced the Storyteller program. This program has two purposes; one, to set aside time each month to read to the local book club children and get the children excited to read; two, to provide parents/grandparents a way to participate in the program and reward them for their time and efforts. Many of them volunteer tremendous amounts of time because this is such a worthy cause. We genuinely care about the children and want the best for them.
Please join us in making this hope a reality.